Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Dosing stations are complex technological installations designed for precise and automated dosing of chemicals added to water or other liquids for the purpose of treatment, purification or disinfection.

Models: AMC200/100L/dn25, PH TPR603/100L, PH TPR603/60L, PH HC151 PH-RX/100L, PH HC151 PH-RX/60L, TPG803/200L/dn100, TPG803/200L/dn80, TPG603/60L/dn25, TPG603/60L/dn4, TPG603/60L/dn20, TPG603/200L/dn50, TPG603/60L/dn15, TPG603/100L/dn32, TPG603/200L/dn40, AMC200/60L/dn20, HP30/60L/dn25, TPG603/100L/dn20, HP30/60L/dn15, HP30/60L/dn20, HP30/200L/dn40, HP30/200L/dn50, HP30/100L/dn25, HP30/100L/dn32, HG30/60L/dn15, HG30/60L/dn20, HG30/200L/dn40, HG30/200L/dn50, HG30/100L/dn32, HG30/200L/dn32, HG30/100L/dn20, HG30/100L/dn25, HC151/60L/dn15, HC151/60L/dn20, HC150/60L/dn15, HC150/60L/dn20, DPT200/60L/dn20, DPT200/60L/dn25, DPT200/200L/dn50, DPT200/60L/dn15, DPT200/100L/dn32, DPT200/200L/dn40, APG603/60L/dn25, DPT200/100L/dn25, APG603/60L/dn20, APG603/60L/dn20, APG603/60L/dn15, APG603/60L/dn15, APG603/200L/dn50, APG603/200L/dn65, APG603/100L/dn40, APG603/200L/dn40, APG603/100L/dn32,APG603/100L/dn25, AMC200/60L/dn25, AMC200/60L/dn20, AMC200/60L/dn15, AMC200/200L/dn40, AMC200/200L/dn50


All AWT products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant AWT: loadings and reagents, catridges, pressure aeration, industrial osmosis, dosing stations, filtration plants, disk systems, water treatment plants, block-modular wastewater treatment plants
  • Cartridges AWT
    EFG 112/250-0.5 (BB10), etc.
  • Pressure aeration AWT
    Pressure aeration
    3672/SAR2/107C/BRIO, etc.
  • Industrial osmosis AWT
    Industrial osmosis
    ROS, UF, CIP, etc.
  • Dosing stations AWT
    Dosing stations
    AMC200/100L/DN25, etc.
  • Filtration settings AWT
    Filtration settings
    OXIDIZER 0844/F63P3, etc.
  • Disk systems AWT
    Disk systems
    High Flow V, H, V, L, etc.
  • Water treatment plants AWT
    Water treatment plants
    AWT FP S, AWT FP A, etc.
  • Block-modular wastewater treatment plants AWT
    Block-modular wastewater treatment plants
    CP WW et al.
  • Filtering materials AWT
    Filtering materials
    FeroSoft-L and others.
  • Ion exchange installations AWT
    Ion exchange installations
    0817/F117Q3, etc.
  • Filtration installations are non-reactive AWT
    Filtration installations are non-reactive
    0817/F56E, etc.
  • CIP sinks AWT
    CIP sinks
    CIP-50, CIP-80, etc.

About AWT

The company AWT (Moscow) is one of the largest manufacturers of filter systems.
  • quality

    The quality of products is ensured by a modern laboratory, a testing ground, and interoperative control during production.
  • reliability

    When developing each unit, the company takes into account its impact on the environment and makes every effort to achieve an optimal balance.
  • leader

    The company always focuses on the best and most effective solutions, which makes it a world leader in this segment.

Information Board AWT

Learn more about our products AWT.
  • Price list for products of the plant AWT
    Price list for products
  • Price list production AWT
    Price list
  • Catalog on site AWT
    Catalog for downloads and reagents
  • Catalog manufacturer AWT
    Catalog for ultrafiltration systems and high-performance reverse osmosis systems
  • Catalog in the store AWT
    Catalog for the chemical washing system
  • Catalog brand AWT
    Catalog for the ultrafiltration system
  • Catalog on site AWT
    Catalog for disk filters
  • The questionnaire supplier AWT
    The questionnaire


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